Attorney Reputation Management

Monitoring Online Presence

Monitoring your online presence is crucial for online reputation management. Automated tools like Mention or Talkwalker simplify tracking what's being said about you across legal directories, social media, and review sites. This enables swift responses to both positive and negative feedback, ensuring you maintain control over your digital footprint.

Implementing a routine to check online reviews and mentions can uncover insights into public perception. Addressing dissatisfied clients' concerns promptly and professionally demonstrates that you value feedback and are committed to client satisfaction.

Positive mentions are equally important. Sharing these on your own platforms can bolster your reputation and attract new clients. Tools that offer dashboard views and reporting mechanisms help identify trends in the feedback, allowing for more strategic reputation management actions.

Setting alerts for mentions of your name or firm across the internet ensures you are immediately aware and can respond or engage as necessary. Google Alerts provides an easy way to keep tabs without needing to invest in more sophisticated software.

Engaging with clients who leave reviews sends a strong message that you're attentive and involved. This engagement shouldn't be limited to formal review sites; interactions on platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram can contribute positively to your online persona.

Assessing the sentiment of mentions using advanced tools can help you understand not just when and where you're mentioned, but the emotion behind these mentions. This can guide your broader strategy, identifying areas for improvement or highlighting strengths you can capitalize on.

Taking control of your online presence through monitoring and engagement offers reputation protection that's essential in today's digital world.

Responding to Reviews

Responding to reviews, whether positive or negative, is a delicate balancing act that attorneys must navigate skillfully. It's not just what you say but how and when you say it that reflects on your law firm's reputation. Here's what you need to keep in mind when replying to both types of reviews.

For Positive Reviews:

  • Express gratitude and add a personal touch. Mention specific aspects of their review if possible: "We're thrilled you found our consultation process thorough and supportive." It shows you've read their feedback and reinforces the positive aspects of your service.
  • Remember, other potential clients will see this interaction. Addressing the reviewer by name and referencing their comments makes your firm seem more personable and engaged. This strengthens your online presence and reputation as a law firm that cares about its clients.

For Negative Reviews:

  • Approach negative feedback with professionalism and empathy. Acknowledge the reviewer's feelings and experiences. Avoid getting defensive, even if the criticism is unfounded. Offer to resolve the matter offline: "We're committed to client satisfaction, please contact us directly so we can discuss this further." This shows you're willing to take action without airing grievances publicly.
  • Occasionally check for resolution updates. If the issue has been resolved to the client's satisfaction, they might update or remove their negative review, enhancing your law firm's image.

Respond swiftly. Waiting too long can make it seem like you're not prioritizing customer service or ignoring the feedback.

Use precise language and avoid legal jargon. You're communicating with individuals who've had less than satisfactory experiences or who are showing their support.

Maintain confidentiality. Don't discuss specifics of their case or reveal personal information. Keeping replies general yet thoughtful protects privacy while reflecting positively on your firm's respect for client confidentiality.

Whether you're thanking a client for a positive review or addressing a negative one, the aim is to illustrate your firm's values: professionalism, responsiveness, and a commitment to client satisfaction. Successfully managing online reviews is a proactive step towards protecting and enhancing your law firm's digital reputation.

Generating Positive Reviews

Garnering positive reviews doesn't happen by chance; it's the result of stellar service paired with savvy solicitation strategy. Here's how lawyers can increase their positive online testimonials.

Timing is Everything:

The ideal moment to ask for a review is after a successful case resolution or interaction. Your client's satisfaction is at its peak, and they're more likely to share their positive experience. If they're beaming about the outcome, that's your cue.

Choose Your Platforms Wisely:

Directing clients to sites like Google, Avvo, and LinkedIn can maximize visibility and impact. Each of these channels speaks to different audiences—from the general public on Google to peers on LinkedIn. Tailor your request according to the platform.

Be Ethically Mindful:

Stay within ethical guidelines when soliciting reviews. Be transparent with clients about why you're asking for a review—to help others seeking legal services. Never suggest specific language; their testimonial should be authentically theirs.

Guideline Adherence:

Adhere strictly to the guidelines of each review platform. This ensures your solicitations don't result in penalties or removal of your reviews.

The Easiest Process Wins:

Providing a direct link to your review page or offering clear, concise instructions removes barriers to action. Clients appreciate ease and are more likely to follow through if the process involves minimal steps.

Respond to Every Review:

Acknowledging every review demonstrates you value feedback and engages potential reviewers. It shows you're an active participant in the dialogue about your services.

Showcase the Impact of Positive Reviews:

Let clients know how crucial positive feedback is—to your firm and to prospective clients researching legal representation. Hearing about the difference their review can make may inspire clients to contribute their experiences.

Through thoughtful timing, choosing appropriate platforms, and being ethically minded, you can effectively increase the volume of positive online reviews. This approach elevates your online reputation and underscores your commitment to excellence and client satisfaction.

  1. Anderson M. Online Reviews and Endorsements. American Bar Association. 2014.
  2. Shields J. How Lawyers Can Ethically Increase Their Online Reviews. Martindale. 2020.
  3. Black N. Online Reputation Management for Lawyers. MyCase. 2021.

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